President Trump (214 electoral votes):
• Alabama (9), Arkansas (6), Florida (29), Idaho (4), Indiana (11), Iowa (6), Kansas (6), Kentucky (8), Louisiana (8), Maine (1 of the state's 4 electoral votes), Mississippi (6), Missouri (10),
Montana (3), Nebraska (4), North Dakota (3), Ohio (18), Oklahoma (7), South Carolina (9), South Dakota (3) Tennessee (11), Texas (38), Utah (6), West Virginia (5), Wyoming (3)
Former Vice President Biden (264 electoral votes*):
• Arizona (11), California (55), Colorado (9), Connecticut (7), Delaware (3), District of Columbia (3), Hawaii (4), Illinois (20), Maine (3 of the state's 4 electoral votes), Maryland (10),
Massachusetts (11), Michigan (16), Minnesota (10), Nebraska (1), New Hampshire (4), New Jersey (14), New Mexico (5), New York (29), Oregon (7), Rhode Island (4), Vermont (3), Virginia (13),
Washington (12), Wisconsin (10)